Monday, December 8, 2008

She got tired of wrapped presents, and took alittle nap... Not really, I have like 50 more of the same picture but she is screaming her head off.
I think this hat makes her look like a Russin....

Her first smile was almost 1 month ago, but I finally got a picture of it. (The best I could)

Its hard taking cute photo's when they can sit up...Brit you need to come visit so you can take some cut pictures.

Congratulations on Another Birthday

Saturday, December 6, 2008

God is helping me diet...

So I started my diet this Monday,.. I have lost 3 Lbs!! Every morning I get up I try to watch t.v. But its broken. I dont understand, but as soon as Brian gets home, its works again. I think its gods way of telling me that I need to get off my butt and work out.